Sunday, May 6, 2007

Long Denim Skirts For Juniors

" And then that ' black dwarf omnipresent: the Sri Lankan petrol pump attendant "(Republic, 04/25/2007)

When I read the first news of the case Rignano smelled bullshit (*) . Yet there was no talk of satanic rituals and crosses made with the left hand (and what 'was the point of no return, beyond which, if not there' came the question, I do not really prefer that you say, 'cause I would have difficulty' to relate with you) already 'enough clamorosita the' mixed with the vagueness and the appeal from manual to deep archetypes to be a strong presumption of urban legend in action (especially 'the cyclicity' ). careful, sometimes urban legends turn out to be true. But, as the
CICAP , exceptional claims require exceptional evidence . The tests, however, many not seem particularly exceptional . E 'was interesting to read the polarization of views between those who believed that "certain things children can not know ourselves" and those who believed that to construe the words of a child,' which requires great care
. And in the end, it seems that both were right: complimentoni these highly intelligent parents. With a kind of psychological contamination, doubt it will 'never possible to know by now if their impressions iniziali avessero fondamento o no. Loro (
e chi li ha istigati ) avevano lo stesso furore che porta, tipicamente, i familiari delle vittime di efferati omicidi a opporsi a ogni riesame delle accuse verso i primi identificati come colpevoli (avendo investito emotivamente nell'odio verso una specifica persona, vedono ogni possibile dubbio come un'offesa al loro dolore). Aver ipotizzato, nell'incredibile interrogatorio alla bambina, i nomi delle persone con cui poteva aver passato del tempo (maestra, bidella) aveva portato a risposte che loro hanno interpretato con lo stesso spirito con cui si puo' interpretare un fondo di caffe' ; posso facilmente immaginare come basti poco per dei genitori nel panico per attaccarsi to the first track, and then connect the dots to recreate a posteriori logic disconnected from the magma of the "confessions". Result: it had developed psychological violence themselves, and if the abuse really there 'was certainly no one will' never be punished. (In addition to having sent in advance of course in jail ALMOST half a dozen people 'at random.)

In this post I do not mean nothing to bring the good news that the contribution of the media frenzy, carried out throughout the course of the parable
from someone who fortunately does not have a life (and obviously and 'caught the license pedophile ineffable Massimiliano Alice) and that has' then took the trouble to write down the names of journalists and other public figures who have seen fit to soak the bread :

  • Marco Enrico Anselmi, Gabriele Isman, Maurizio Di Giacomo, Benedetta Argentieri, Fabrizio Caccia, Rinaldo Frignani, Marzio Fianese, Flavia Amabile, Paul G. Brera

  • Eleonora Martino

  • Vittorio Zucconi

  • Zucconi a, Dino Martirano, Massimo Malpica

  • James Nardone, Gabriele Isman (aa) Claudio D'Angelo, Francesco Montecchi, Luciano Nicastro, Diego Coletti

  • Conclusion and summary, with the final list of the worst

invite everyone to memorize these names, and even register any change of opinion now that the wind has changed direction (but not public renunciations, at least finishing).
I do not think it will be too bad for their names listed in a public pillory, as them, naming names and assume guilt without the slightest regard for the concept by which queers' the innocent until proven
contrary, there has been no scruples.